Boomportretten van Hidde, 1 t/m 29 september

Meet & Greet with the artist in the gallery on Sunday 1 September from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
In September, Hidde will exhibit on our walls. Trees have long been this artist’s fascination. In addition to other subjects, his free work mainly consists of Tree Portraits during this period.
The shape and bark of the tree show what has happened in the tree’s life. Cheerfully growing freely, usually reaching for the sky, bent by the wind, but also ravaged, torn off, sawn and chopped. With growing seasons and lesser times and always a home for birds and insects.

Trees live in a different, delayed time zone, with ages that far exceed ours. What we experience is a flash in their time for trees. And there they are, seemingly still, but still in full motion.

“I draw Tree Portraits, their characters and graceful appearances, and any resemblance to people exists only in your imagination.”

The artist uses all possible techniques; oil paint on canvas and panel, calligraphy ink on paper, lino printing, blind printing/embossing, pen and pencil.

“For those who live far from trees and forests, my Tree Portraits remind you how sympathetic and lovely trees are.”

The exhibition can be admired throughout the month of September, from the 1st to the 29th of the month. You are most welcome to come and meet the trees!

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